It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Merry Open Threadmas!


Howdy Beliebers! (that’s the name I came up with for you) The end of the year is at hand. This is the last open thread of the year so you know what that means: it’s your time to shine!  Can you write a satisfying detective novel with a compelling protagonist, colorful milieu and genuinely surprising ending with a riveting and completely earned twist that deepens rather than cheapens everything that came before it in less than six paragraphs and without resorting to a lot of potty talk and toilet humor? If so, then scribble your micro-masterpiece in the comments and, in doing so, legally sign away the rights to me.

It’s the end of the year. We’re hanging stockings under the chimney. Smooching under mistletoe. Sipping hot chocolate. Wrestling with crippling Seasonal Affective Disorder. Shaking with existential dread and horror for what our country has become. But also reflection. Looking back. Donald Trump was still President ALL year. What the fuck was up with that? That guy’s NUTS! BONKERS! Have you been following the news on that guy!?! It’s not good! 


 New Year’s Resolutions. What are yours? 

What are you most proud of having accomplished this year? What was your biggest frustration? Are you looking forward to the year ahead or bracing yourself for the third year of a Donald Trump presidency that, to be honest, is not going well. 

Look, you guys know me. You know that I pride myself on having far right wing political beliefs. I’m mister #MAGA #BuildAWall #LockHerUp #WhoKilledVinceFoster #HillaryClintonkilledVinceFoster #WheresTheLongFormBirthCertificate #BarryIsNotMyPresident  #PizzaGate #PardonDineshDSouza #OhWaitHeAlreadyGotPardoned?GoodthenIguess #DonaldJrForPresident2024 #Hisfatherdoestoolovehim #NohedoesntseemsadorpathetichesaniceboyandImsurehisfatherissometimesverypleasanttohimbutwhennooneislooking #Fuckyoursafespaces #Bengazi #HillaryLied #CrazyMaxineWaters #GorillaMindset #ProudBoys #WestIsBest #GamerGate #BeBest #PCastBlast #GateGate #WaterGateTheOriginal #ImpeachSlickWilly #IaintFondaHanoiJane but there have been moments over the past year when even I’ve been tempted to question the President’s judgment. 

So please do talk amongst, yourselves, my pretties! Converse away! 


I make my living through the crowd-funding, so if y’all would be kind enough to consider pledging over at it’d be 
