Nathan Rabin's Happy Cast #4: Saving Christmas from Kirk Cameron (with Alonso Duralde!)
Welcome, friends, to the latest episode of Nathan Rabin's Happy Cast!
To usher in the Christmas season, we brought in special guest Alonso Duralde (What the Flick?!, Linoleum Knife, author of Have Yourself a Movie Little Christmas) to spin some Yuletide yarns with us. This week, we ruminate on the fan blowback to The Last Jedi, trade our top ten lists for the year, and help each other through the Noel nightmares of Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas and Pottersville. Enjoy!
3:38 - Scalding Hot Takes: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
18:39 - Our Top 10 Movies of 2017
44:42 - The Zeroes: Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas
57:38 - Control Nathan and Clint: Pottersville
1:12:24 - What Happened to Rachel Dolezal?
1:22:48 - Mailbag
1:26:10 - Happy Places
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Theme Song by Jon Biegen
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