13 Random AF Tweets That Will Have You Absolutely Gobsmacked as to How Lazily We Threw Together This List
Rita Rudner took to Social Media to promote an upcoming gig with Louie Anderson. Sorry, Rita, but you’re not exactly killing it at Twitter.
Best-selling author Jami Attenberg has scored rave reviews for her novels but don’t expect this mundane tweet to win any awards.
This tweet from the National Weather Service conveys important information but is decidedly lacking in pizzazz. Would it have killed them to throw in a Parks & Recreation reference for giggles?
Now THIS is some quality ‘tent! #Eatingowntail
This would be an absolutely AMAZING tweet in an alternate universe where anyone cared about soccer! Besides, Sokratis? What is this, soccer or Greek philosophy! Bring back the XFL!
I’m sure what you have to say is REAL important, boring lady, but I couldn’t hear it over the sound of my own deafening yawning. These tweets are dry AF! Can’t we get some Kardashian sizzle up in this meaningless, nonsensical listicle?
That’s more like it!
Now this is just sad
Puppy break!
Might as well end this with a tweet as pointless as this whole list. But you read it, didn’t you? Or at least you looked absent-mindedly at some of the photos? Regardless I’m now rich off this stupid list while you are substantially dumber for having endured it.
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