Nathan Rabin's Happy Cast #44 - All the Kids Love "The Twist"


Howdy webheads! This week Nathan and Clint catch up on the latest cog in the Marvel machine, Spider-Man: Far From Home, a teen sex comedy wrapped up in Spandex and CGI. It’s cute, it’s fun, it’s a little subversive, but does it hold up to the great responsibility of the Marvel franchise? Let’s find out!

In the meantime, we also take a look back at Sam Raimi’s batshit-crazy Spider-Man 3, a movie with a million subplots, Lowell from Wings in a striped T-shirt, and more jazz than any self-respecting NY teens could ever handle. (Also, we’ll say it: Douchebag Emo-Bangs Peter is great, haters to the left.)

7:49 - Scalding Hot Takes: Spider-Man: Far From Home
33:24 - My World of Flops: Spider-Man 3
53:18 - Mailbag
57:13 - Happy Places

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Theme Song by Jon Biegen