Travolta/Cage #37: The Punisher/Adaptation (with Stephen Sajdak)

After a short hiatus (for both Nathan and Clint to move houses), we’re back baby! This week, we're dealing with a decidedly idiosyncratic double-feature, with We Hate Movies perennial Stephen Sajdak along for the ride! First, there's the 2004 version of The Punisher, the Tom Jane-led throwback to ‘70s action movies mixed with the best 2000s buttrock post-9/11 society had to offer us. Oh, and Travolta's there as a sleepy, uninspired bad guy.

Luckily, to dull the pain, we've got Spike Jonze's Adaptation to dig into -- the delightful, mercurial movie about the nature of adaptation and creative frustration, with Cage pulling in incredible work as a fictionalized version of Charlie (and Donald) Kaufman. Flowers and guns galore this week!

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