Travolta/Cage #61: Life on the Line/Pay the Ghost (with Brock Wilbur)

We're back, baby! After a couple of months of hiatus (and a whole new set of chompers for Nathan), Travolta/Cage is back on the case! We're not the only thing that's returned: not only do we have guest Brock Wilbur (co-author of Postal, Editor in Chief of KC's The Pitch) popping back on the show, we finally see the vaunted return of John Travolta to the pod. Unfortunately, it's for Life on the Line, a too-schmaltzy-by-half ode to electrical line workers that plays out like Yellowstone with fewer horses. Hope you like ponytail beards and white dudes named Pok' Chop!

On the Cage side of things, he's slumming it in low-rent supernatural horror with Pay the Ghost, as a lit professor in New York who starts seeing apparitions of his missing son a year after losing him.... at Halloween! (Cue crackling thunder.) It's also pretty dismal, an Insidious riff that lacks any of that film's charm or atmosphere, which leads to a pretty grim double feature all around.

Still, we brighten things up with a quick chat about Cage's latest, Renfield -- did we like it? Did we think it made the best use of Cage's lifelong mission to play Count Dracula? Find out!

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Podcast theme by Jon Biegen

Podcast logo by Felipe Sobreiro