Travolta Cage #74: Speed Kills/A Score to Settle
This week, Nathan and Clint dig back into the classic mold of Travolta/Cage double features -- unfortunately, it's for more late-aughts VOD dreck.
First up is Speed Kills, a Dollar Tree Casino riff starring John Travolta as a fictionalized version of speedboat manufacturer and mobbed-up multimillionaire Donald Aronow (here "Ben Aronoff"). It looks and feels cheap, and thrums with all the speed of a rowboat down the ol' Mississipp' -- probably because it was initially conceived as a chintzy VR-cinema experiment.
Then, we get a slight reprieve with A Score to Settle, which features Nic Cage as his millionth aging mob enforcer looking back on his post-prison life and broken relationships with an eye towards revenge. Cage is reliably solid here -- he can play these kinds of roles in his sleep, not that his terminally-insomniac character would allow it -- but the rest of it is a slog. Still, beats Travolta in a motorboat!
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