Let These Vintage Photos of Grover With A Kitten Distract You From Life's Unrelenting Horror!
Let’s face it: the world is terrible place.
The fucking worst.
And it just seems to be getting worse by the day.
It’s enough to make you want to give up, to just stop trying.
So if you are, like the rest of us, depressed and overwhelmed I have something that will remind you that the world is a beautiful place after all.
They’re pictures of cute, furry, lovable Grover with an adorable little kitten from Grover’s Little Kitten.
Oh my goodness! This is the cutest thing I have ever seen!
The only possible thing cuter than Grover is Grover with a kitten, and the only thing cuter than Grover with a kitten is Grover with a kitten AND his mommy! Oh mommy!!!!!
The kitty is eating from a cute little red bowl! And Grover is petting him! Is that also not the cutest thing ever!?!
Now cute, lovable, furry Grover is playing with a ball of red yarn! Is this not literally adorability personified?
Ginger the kitty is sleeping with Grover! Is that not too much! How can one stationary puppet be so expressive and overflowing with love?
Why, I can’t imagine anything half as cute except, well, here are Ernie and Bert with a kitty of their own
The cutest Bert has ever been in the history of Sesame Street
This is just not fair. It’s cuteness OVERLOAD!
Oh, c’mon! How are we ever supposed to stop gazing at these blessed images?
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