Being MAGA Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry

When someone on the Left does something egregiously wrong they are generally expected to own up to their misdeeds, apologize and then change their behavior. 

When someone on the Right does something egregiously wrong they are generally expected to deny that they’ve done anything, wrong, claim that they’ve been “cancelled” for challenging the “Woke” agenda and attack the people criticizing them.

A notable exception is the recent case of Lauren Boebert vaping, taping, dancing and generally making a spectacle of herself at a touring production of the Beetlejuice musical. 

At first Boebert insisted that the idea that she was vaping was “Fake News” and she was guilty of nothing more than enjoying a fun musical about a rascally ghost. Then video came out of her very clearly vaping. 

Of course Donald Trump has no problem being flagrantly dishonest when there is incontrovertible evidence of his misdeeds but Boebert isn’t as bold a liar as Trump, nor is she as powerful so when a video came out clearly showing her vaping she at first claimed that she didn’t remember vaping but then grudgingly acknowledged that she did not follow the basic rules of decorum and consequently was ejected from a touring version of Beetlejuice. 

There is a strategic element to her confession, since it is now apparent that in addition to vaping, taping, dancing, talking loudly and telling ushers, “Do you know who I am?” Boebert was also giving her male companion a handjob while being felt up. 

Yes, this very public Christian, who accuses drag queens and the trans community of being groomers out to abuse and manipulate precious, innocent children, was making out aggressively at an all-ages performance of a show based on a PG movie beloved by children everywhere. 

It’s an old trick: you admit to doing something wrong and apologize as a way of getting people to ignore or excuse the even worse transgression you don’t concede or apologize for. 

Boebert is the exception that proves the rule. It’s more common for a Conservative to do something egregiously, criminally wrong and then angrily point an accusatory finger at the people holding them responsible for their actions. 

Take Elon Musk. Please. He pretended to be a Democratic centrist when he thought that would make him seem more empathetic and compassionate, then took a big old red pill and decided to turn Twitter (or X, as I will never call it) into a clubhouse for his Alt-Right fans, admirers and allies. 

He gave it all up to impress Catturd2 and make sure that The Babylon Bee can continue to make the same terrible joke for perpetuity without facing any sort of consequences for its anti-trans hatred. 

Musk was criticized by the Anti-Defamation League for turning X into a place that welcomes and celebrates vicious anti-Semites. Instead of looking inward (something I suspect Musk never does), admitting that he’s fallen short and working to correct the problem Musk pointed an angry finger in the ADL’s direction and accused them of being monsters out to bankrupt and silence him due to a hatred of free speech and love of woke censorship. 

The Tesla-owning douchenozzle claimed that these Jews are single-handedly responsible for Twitter being worth half of the 44 billion dollars he ridiculously overpaid for the site rather than, I dunno, Starbucks not wanting their ads to run alongside Nazi-style anti-Semitic caricatures or ads for fetish porn. 

Nothing good can come of Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, an incredibly powerful figure and a man with a horrifyingly vast cult that would follow him blindly into battle if asked, antagonizing an organization devoted to fighting Anti-Semitism. 

Instead of apologizing, or admitting he’d done anything wrong Musk doubled down, accusing the organization of being the ‘biggest generators of anti-Semitism’ on X and threatened to sue the ADL. 

It’s easy to see why Musk made a hard shift right, or at least finally admitted to himself that he’s an Alt-Right shit-poster whose politics are fundamentally the politics of personal resentment. 

The ADL criticized Musk, for example, so now they are an evil organization out to destroy him and stifle free speech. Musk’s daughter came out as trans and is a Socialist so now he’s convinced that the trans community is terrorizing and brainwashing children and Communists like Joe Biden are destroying society. 

When Russell Brand made the shift from being an insufferable, narcissistic jackass vaguely of the left to being an insufferable, narcissistic jackass of the Alt-Right he knew damn well that he was cultivating an audience that saw him as a free speech warrior being cancelled by the Woke Mob because he doesn’t go along with their thought policing. 

Brand knew damn well that he’d committed a series of unconscionable sexual assaults that would eventually be made public so he conditioned his cult to see any attack on him as an attack on free speech, free expression and challenging Joe Biden’s radical Communist agenda. 

Sure enough, Brand insisted that he was being credibly accused of multiple sex crimes after an exhaustive, years-long journalistic investigation because he was getting too close to the truth and the media had to shut him up. 

Elon Musk instinctively threw his support behind Musk, as did fellow sex criminal Andrew Tate and Tucker Carlson. 

Incidentally when Carlson was fired from FOX despite being one of its biggest stars and a massive cash cow seemingly his entire cult became convinced that FOX, an unashamedly right-wing “news” channel had become Woke and were now Communists out to silence Carlson because—you guessed it—he was getting too close to the truth. 

A similar dynamic was at play when Fascist prankster James O’Keefe was booted from Project Veritas, an organization he started and ran, was fired for being egregiously unethical. 

Of course O’Keefe’s fans did not see it that way. Instead they saw it as proof that, you guessed it, he was being cancelled by an organization that was now Communist, “Woke” and in the pocket of George Soros. 

Being MAGA means never having to say you’re sorry, change or experience growth. No wonder so many scoundrels, criminals and hate-mongers feel safe and at home in a community that will never hold them responsible for their sins and transgressions when they can be blamed on some combination of Joe Biden, the mainstream media, George Soros and Black Lives Matter. 

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