I Am Looking for a Cohost and Producer for a Fractured Mirror Podcast

About a year back a gentleman contacted me to ask if I had any podcast ideas I felt passionately about. I pitched the idea of doing a podcast based on The Fractured Mirror, my upcoming book on American movies about filmmaking. 

To prepare I got a lot of great guests to talk about fascinating movies. The producer had me buy about eight hundred dollars worth of podcasting equipment, and when I had some difficulty putting together a fairly elaborate microphone and recording set-up, he told me that he was no longer interested in doing a podcast with me because it’d be too tricky from a technical standpoint. 

I was blindsided. I’d spent more or less my life savings on equipment I did not know how to use and would have a hard time returning because it had all been opened. 

That sentence-length email was the last I heard from the producer. I emailed him a few more times, trying to appeal to his sense of decency. It did not work. He never got back to me. He ghosted me. I spent months and months and months putting together our podcast, and it died over the course of a single half-hour video call. 

That broke my heart. I was excited about doing a Fractured Mirror podcast. As an autistic man who wrestles with intense social anxiety, podcasts are ideal for me because they allow me to talk to people I like and respect in a structured format with a clear format and end. They allow me to be social but not too social. 

I’d also spent a great deal of money I didn’t have to make the Fractured Mirror podcast sound as professional as possible. 

I’m not going to lie: I took that rejection hard. It affected me. The older you get, the harder it becomes to bounce back, emotionally as well as physically. Every once in a while I’ll think about what happened and feel frustrated and sad and angry about it all over again. 

I am in the process of putting the finishing touches on The Fractured Mirror, a massive endeavor where I write about 439 American movies about filmmaking that were released over the course of a century. If a narrative film was released between 1923 and 2024 and is about filmmaking, it’s going to be in the book, dammit! 

I love my book. It represents an insane amount of work, time, and labor. I want to give it the best possible chance to succeed. I want The Fractured Mirror to have a life beyond this website and the book.

That’s why I am looking for a producer and co-host for a Fractured Mirror podcast. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. It does not have to be professional. It doesn’t have to be on a network. It doesn’t have to make money, although that would certainly be good if it did. 

I’d love to start up the Fractured Mirror podcast within the next month or so. It’d be ideal if it could debut when The Fractured Mirror is released. 

I enjoy podcasting. It’s a world I’ve known from many different angles. I’ve been a podcast critic, guest, obsessive fan, and podcaster.

I lead an isolated life as a suburban househusband and father. I’d like to talk to people about things I find fascinating. 

So, if you are interested in potentially co-hosting, producing, or cohosting and producing a Fractured Mirror podcast, please contact me at nathanrabinauthor@gmail.com 

I’m not always the best at communication, so please do not take it personally if I do not get back to you. 

Doing everything by myself is incredibly difficult. I’m just not suited to it, but the nature of my career dictates that I have to handle nearly everything myself. I would love to have another partner, or two, to share in the work and the planning and then the fame and the glory. 

Hopefully, this will mark the glorious beginning. As this blog post hopefully conveys, I’m not great with the technical aspects of podcasting, but I have many connections within podcasting and a lot of enthusiasm and genuine passion. So please do email me if interested.

This is going to be great! 

The Big WhoopNathan Rabin