It Would Be Wonderful If Our Reflexive Hatred of Annoying Little Shits Ended Up Being the Death of DOGE
Get a load of these little shits!
It's hard to overstate how much American adults do not want to be told what to do by young people. The backlash against “Woke” was fueled by the incandescent rage of bourgeoisie grown-ups felt toward the idea that college kids with green hair, unusual and excessive tattoos, and unflattering clothes dared to tell them what language and ideas were appropriate and which could get them in trouble.
That’s at the heart of the disproportionate anger directed at the trans and non-binary community. It's not a big deal to call someone by their chosen pronouns. It’s basic decency. It requires almost no effort and means a lot to people whose gender identity cannot be reduced to male or female.
Others feel differently. They don’t just see it as an inconvenience; they instead seem to see it as an unforgivable insult. They see it as an assault on conventional family values and their worldview.
They’re not alone in that respect. The greatest generation was disgusted that long-haired freaks who took drugs and fornicated indiscriminately and listened to weird, loud music had anything to say about how the world should be run and what wars should be fought.
Get a load of this racist little fuck
The rage older generations feel towards young people is fundamentally reactionary. It's the sad, sour judgment of an establishment reflexively angry about the demands of snotty kids they do not understand but bitterly resent.
The hostility towards BLM is rooted in racism, of course, but also in the suggestion that the United States is a fundamentally racist country characterized by intense racism of both the personal and institutional variety.
They took personal offense at the idea that black lives were treated as less valuable than white lives.
They were wrong, of course. Younger generations agitating for a more inclusive, progressive future have a funny way of always being on the right side of history.
It’s true. I weep every time I eat meat, for some reason.
The hatred directed toward Greta Thunberg is largely age-based, with a whole lot of sexism and ableism mixed in. A disconcertingly large percentage of the public was enraged that an autistic teenage girl from Europe dared to ask neurotypical American men to stop destroying the planet. That’s why she’s invariably the subject of the zingers of neurotypical adult men in memes.
Reactionary rage towards kids and their kooky ideas is generally Conservative. People tend to get more conservative as they get older and are more likely to see kids with ideas and idealism as a threat to the social order and their own happiness.
However, we are currently in a surreal position where reactionary anger toward kids might save democracy and halt our descent into fascism.
The kids are alright except when they’re stooges for inhuman ghoul Elon Musk.
For his DOGE squad, Musk chose children. He hired babies. He isn’t running a governmental agency but rather a daycare.
These obnoxious little shits have been put in places of great authority they have done nothing to deserve. College-age kids with nicknames like “Big Balls” have been given free rein to ride roughshod over the entire government.
These annoying dweebs, who include Marko Elez, a charming 25-year-old who resigned after a Twitter account where he bragged about "being racist before it was cool,” wrote that he “would not mind at all if Gaza and Israel were both wiped off the face of the Earth” and “you could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity” and finally, tweeted, "Normalize Indian hate.”
Elez resigned out of a richly merited sense of shame, only to have Elon Musk and JD Vance beg him to un-resign so that he could wield his awful, illegal, unearned power over people he is on record as being racist against, such as Vance’s Indian-American wife and children.
In an insufferable act of faux-righteousness, Vance depicted the overt racism of one of Musk’s attack puppies as something only a hyper-sensitive, “Woke” liberal could possibly care about. In Trump world, if you say or do something that upsets the God-Emperor you should be fired or imprisoned or hung for treason, but if you’re racist as fuck you get a pass because Elon Musk thinks you can be useful in his ongoing project breaking the government so that Trump/Musk can insist that they are the only people capable of fixing what they destroyed.
Incidentally, Vance is an annoying little shit as well. God I hate him and his extremely punchable face.
I fucking hate the DOGE kids because they’re doing a tremendous disservice and destroying countless lives but also because they’re snotty kids who don’t know shit who have been empowered by a pair of man-babies with an emotional age somewhere in the teens.
It would be wonderful if hatred of young people, which is generally a destructive reactionary force, ends up being what brings down DOGE and its boy non-genius.
I can see a political commercial where a grandmotherly veteran government employee with decades of experience and incredible expertise in their field talks movingly about having a 20-year-old 4Chan mutant who calls himself “Deez Nutz” demand that they justify their employment or be fired instantly.
These particular kids are most assuredly not alright. Hopefully, our country’s grown-ups will be angry enough that they turn on Team DOGE and their handlers.
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