For People Who Profess to Love Our Country, the MAGA Cult Seem to Hate Almost Everything About It

Donald Trump supporters love the United States. They are hugely patriotic and love almost everything about our country, with a few exceptions.

For example, conservatives do not love public schools. Why would they? Instead of reading, writing and arithmetic, they now teach Advanced Genderqueer Studies, Why I’m Trans 101 and Introduction to Whitey is the Devil. 

You send your eight-year-old boy to second grade, and he comes back a girl because, as any Trump supporter will tell you, the purpose of elementary and high schools now is indoctrination instead of education. 

Every single public school teacher in our country is a lazy, union-loving, pink-haired, obese radical who will only get off her enormous posterior to deliver fiery sermons about why our country is evil and how hardcore Marxism is the only ethical means of governance. 

Unfortunately for Republicans, it gets even worse when they get to college. That’s when Mommy and Daddy’s wholesome little slugger and cheerleader are forced to have sex with their rommates as part of forced homosexuality initiatives that make everyone do gay sex regardless of their gender, sex, or religion. 

Professors are downright satanic in their leftist evil. So are graduate students. They’re all a bunch of pinky leftists who hate America. 

The only way to keep your child from getting tricked into leftist degeneracy is to send them to a strict Christian school where the worst that can happen to them is epidemic child abuse and molestation. But you need to give your children over to priests and then give those priests total control and lots of privacy if you want to make sure no crazy drag queen or “trans” fraud diddles your young one.

What about sports? There’s nothing more wholesome and all-American than professional sports. Alas, professional sports is a hotbed of “Woke” now. 

When a traitor who calls himself Colin Kaepernick attempted to start a race war by kneeling during the National Anthem, it immediately made all sports Commie. ALL of the billionaire owners are huge Maoists.

The same holds true of corporations. There was a time when Disney was on the side of REAL Americans. And by “REAL Americans,” I, of course, mean straight white men who vote Republican. 

Then Disney went “Woke.” Mickey famously underwent gender-affirming surgery and became “Minnie,” while Minnie had the same procedure and re-christened himself Mickey. All they had to do was add and remove a hair bow. 

Disney earned the eternal ire of Conservatives with their controversial “Gay Orgy Drugged Up Fuck Fest” nights where the most perverted human beings alive modeled the most disgusting sex positions while horrified children looked on. 

Target is another good example. It celebrates Gay Pride Month twelve months out of the year. It recently got into trouble when it came out that its president had satanic priests marrying children to inanimate objects. 

Conservatives also hate Hollywood. It’s a den of sin and perversion, and also pedophilic Satanic cannibals who get off on sexually assaulting and then eating babies. 

The whole movie business is fucking satanic, man! Everyone other than Kevin Sorbo masturbates with a pentagram and calls the Devil “Big Daddy.” 

Pop music is also a realm of anti-Christian, anti-American evil, much of it, unsurprisingly, implicitly Satanic in nature. Whether we’re talking about Miley Cyrus or Li’l Nas X, pop music is the exclusive realm of deviants and God-haters. 

Rap music? I’m afraid that’s a hotbed of anti-Americanism as well. And the language! They’re all a bunch of potty mouths! They’re so ungrateful! They’ve got mansions and cars and millions of dollars, but they rap about how “bad” the country is and how white people are somehow racist. 

Make it make sense! 

Conservatives also famously hate people who work for the government, or, as they are more accurately known, sinister members of the Deep State. 

Do you work for Uncle Sam? You do? I bet you’re proud, aren’t you, you sniveling little shit? Have you ever taken the time to think about how worthless and unnecessary your position is? You’re just sucking hard on the government’s massive tits. You contribute nothing. You’re just a parasite whose extravagant lifestyle is paid for by the taxes paid by Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. That money should be used to fund massive tax cuts for the billionaire entrepreneurs whose lives matters, not some uppity bureaucrat making a dishonest living by stealing a salary and benefits from the government.

What about the media? The media is the enemy of the people! The media hates America and Donald Trump and wants to implement Sharia Law while somehow simultaneously also trying to make everyone gay, trans, and nonbinary. 

The media is fucking disgusting. A bunch of entitled, lazy, establishment pricks protecting the status quo. 

The military? Way too woke. The Marines’ motto used to be, “We’re looking for a few good men.” Now it’s “Be gay, do crimes.” 

Actually, “We’re looking for a few good men” is about as homoerotic as it gets. I have it on good authority that recently, a black general said, “Diversity is good.” Needless to say, he’s been fired.

That single-handedly made the entire military “Woke," “Trans," “Cancel Culture,” and “DEI.”

I don’t even need to tell you that big pharma, the medical establishment, and Dr. Fraudci are all evil as well.

What about the rest of the world? It brings me no pleasure to report that every other country is terrible. They’re all jealous of us and want to be us, on account of we’re so great (as long as you ignore, you know, all the elements of the country the Right despises), but they also want to rip us off. They think we’re dumb! They think we’re weak! We’ve got to fuck them over before they can fuck us over! 

The only countries that can be trusted because they are profoundly ethical and would never even think of ripping us off are Israel and Russia. 

The Justice System treated Trump worse than anyone in the history of the universe. It was weaponized to make Trump look like a criminal and sleazy con man rather than the greatest leader our country has ever known. The Justice Department is trash, as is the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA.

Yes, Republicans love everything about the good old USA, other than the 96 percent of it that it hates. 

The MAGA mob’s love for country is conditional. When Democrats are in office, we're not great. We’re terrible. We’re the worst. We have the worst president, the worst economy, the worst foreign policy. 

In the eyes of Trump cultists, we’re a shimmering, perfect utopia when the 45th and 47th president is occupying the White House and a flaming dystopia on the brink of World War III and Armageddon if a moderate Democrat like Joe Biden is president. 

Trump rode a massive wave of racist white resentment to the White House. He convinced a working class that should know better that the radical left Marxist trans Black Lives Matter extremists had stolen their country from them and corrupted every institution in order to fit its sick, anti-American, Christian-hating America-last agenda.

In his second term, Trump has essentially launched a hostile takeover of every American institution it did not already control. 

Trump wanted the world to know that they could finally trust social media because Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg control it. 

The media similarly will finally be just because Fake News losers like AP, New York Times, NPR, NBC News, and Politico will be replaced in the corridors of power by right-wing outfits brave enough to tell the world that everything that Trump does is great, like New York Post, One America News Network, Breitbart News Network, Newsmax, and the Daily Caller.

Conditional love is no love at all.

Trump 2.0 isn't about love of country. It’s not about patriotism. It's about control. It’s about punishment. It’s about retribution. It’s about changing the country so that it fits your biases, narcissism, and delusion. 

The president is deeply hostile to the actual values that our country was founded upon. Trump is interested in the country only as a magic mirror that tells him that he is the fairest of them all and that everything that he dislikes is evil and wrong. 

Nathan needed expensive, life-saving dental implants, and his non-existent dental plan didn’t cover them, so he started a GoFundMe at Give if you can!

Did you know I have a Substack called Nathan Rabin’s Bad Ideas, where I write up new movies my readers choose and do deep dives into lowbrow franchises? It’s true! You should check it out here. 

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