Is It Just Me or Has Facebook Gone to Shit Over the Past Few Months?

Ya don’t say!

Is it just me or has Facebook turned to shit over the last few months? Like Twitter, Facebook was once an extremely useful, relevant social media site, particularly for people like myself, who need to self-promote relentlessly just to barely stay in business. 

That all began to change around the election, when mega douche nozzle Mark Zuckerberg re-invented himself as a gold chain-sporting MAGA super-bro who couldn’t be more excited about joining forces with the administration of his new best friend Donald Trump to fight censorship and promote free speech. 

What Zuckerberg meant, of course, was that Facebook would aggressively promote pro-Trump content, no matter how clearly fake or foreign in nature, while censoring people who dare to criticze the current regime. 

If you had only supported Zuckerberg’s dumb digital dreams maybe he wouldn’t have to actively embrace fascism!

Zuckerberg decided that fact-checking was a Commie plot. He seemed to feel the same way about content moderation. 

Facebook keeps hitting new lows. Recently, for example, I got an ad for what appeared to be a publisher of AI-written novels for different kinks. I was appropriately mortified by an ad for a bestiality-themed werewolf romance novel. Then I encountered a book whose title will unfortunately probably stick with me until my dying day: Knocked Up By The Hockey Team

From its title, I’m guessing that it’s about a beautiful, fiery, and sexually voracious young woman who gets a little tipsy on White Claw at an NHL game and finds herself having sex with the Chicago Blackhawks. I’m not sure whether she had sex with the starting lineup of the Blackhawks, which would mean sex with six gentlemen, or the entire roster. That would bring the total up to 23. 

I’m not sure if the sexual adventurer at the core of Knocked Up By the Hockey Team had sex with between six and twenty-three people at a time or separately. I sure as shit am not going to read the book to find out. 

At this point, you might wonder if this is a targeted ad because I’ve routinely made searches like, “Sex with entire sports team”, “Impregnated by the 1996 Edmonton Oilers,” or “How do I know which hockey player knocked me up?”

The Internet is miraculous. It is a mighty vessel for education, communication, community, and moral upliftment. 

The internet can do anything. It can be anything. Its power is almost limitless. We’ve chosen to use this incredible tool to disseminate dangerous disinformation and promote romance novels where the heroine gets it on with an entire sports team. 

I’ve written in this blog about a cynical Facebook page called America’s Last Line of Defense that delights in trolling MAGA half-wits with fake stories that feed into Trump cultists’ desire for a world where the left is constantly being humiliated for being “Woke” while Conservatives score win after win. 

America’s Last Line of Defense is satirical. It is a work of left-wing social commentary devoted to mocking the gullible Trump fans that are its core audience. Its stories are all fake, but its clueless “fans” believe they’re true because they want them to be true. They want to live in a world where “Woke” is wack and makes you broke, and being MAGA makes you a god among men. 

Even before the big shift, I noticed a proliferation of clearly AI-generated articles about how ABC offered Candace Owens, Megyn Kelly, and Roseanne a billion dollars to replace The View, but they turned down their “Woke” cash. 

There are millions upon millions of dullards who believe that shit. It doesn’t matter that none of the things described in the articles actually happened or would happen; the commenters believed what they wanted to believe. 

I’m seeing even more of those garbage pages now. They’re not demarcated as satire or fake, so there’s nothing to keep dumbasses from believing them.

Brutal, ugly, surreal reality has caught up with these exercises in right-wing wish fulfillment. We’re now witnessing real-life developments that play like MAGA fantasies, like Trump firing the board of the Kennedy Center and appointing himself chairman, Trump making Sylvester Stallone, Jon Voight and Mel Gibson his ambassadors to Hollywood and MSNBC firing Joy Reid and myriad other commentators of color because they displease the man-baby-in the White House.

These pages are in love with Trump, who spends every day winning massive victories over the evil left, but they’re even more enamored of Elon Musk. 

It seems weird to encounter so many fictionalized puff pieces about how Musk manages to be a loving father to his 14 children while still running the world’s most successful businesses, and single-handedly saving our country out of his selfless love for humanity, or how he gave a million dollars to a sad Starbucks barista, or ordered MSNBC to fire Rachel Maddow on what was, until recently, Twitters biggest rival. 

It’s telling that all of these articles about Saint Musk have to use AI because in this world, he never does anything not rooted in relentless self-interest.

Why is Musk the main character on someone else’s social site? It’s probably because Musk angrily demands all of the attention all of the time. He’s always doing something very public or doing seventeen different things simultaneously, all angrily demanding coverage. 

Musk is a catalyst and a big talker who promises more than anyone can deliver. In that respect, he’s like his co-president, Donald Trump, who promised that he’d solve our country’s problems within his first month. That sure sounded good. Millions that should have known better believed in the assurances of a pathological liar out of touch with reality, then reckoned that they had only themselves to blame for believing such a clear-cut lie. 

Pro-Musk propaganda benefits Zuckerberg because it feeds into the delusion that billionaires are altruists and philanthropists who single-handedly make the world a better, more magical place. Pro-billionaire propaganda doesn’t just benefit Musk: it benefits Zuckerberg and that piece of shit Jeff Bezos as well.

Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerberg want the world to think that they’ve gone full MAGA because they’ve finally wised up to the wickedness of Woke when they’re cynically operating in their own best interests. 

Zuckerberg saw how Musk turned an important social media site into a pro-Trump garbage fire devoid of credibility and integrity and thought, “Ooh, I want in!” So did Bezos, that fucking bozo. 

Just when I thought Facebook couldn’t get any worse, it began suggesting that I follow a page that does “transvestigations” arguing, passionately, if incoherently, that prominent female celebrities are actually dudes. If finding Billie Eilish desirable makes me gay, then I am definitely a homosexual.

Facebook is a flaming garbage fire of an abomination. If something doesn’t change within the next four or five years I will DEFINITELY consider getting off it and moving my social media affairs to a less evil organization. 

Nathan needed expensive, life-saving dental implants, and his dental plan doesn’t cover them, so he started a GoFundMe at Give if you can!

Did you know I have a Substack called Nathan Rabin’s Bad Ideas, where I write up new movies my readers choose and do deep dives into lowbrow franchises? It’s true! You should check it out here. 

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