Donald Trump: King of Israel, One Man Anti-Semitism Police or Reprehensible Human Garbage?

#KingofIsrael #Hedogotjokesthough #histightfiveisridiculous #andtheimpressions? #HeactuallydoesAlecBaldwinhowcrazyisthat? #ButtheLiberalJewrunmediawon’tletyouknow

#KingofIsrael #Hedogotjokesthough #histightfiveisridiculous #andtheimpressions? #HeactuallydoesAlecBaldwinhowcrazyisthat? #ButtheLiberalJewrunmediawon’tletyouknow

I’m appalled and horrified, if never surprised, by pretty much everything Donald Trump does and says as the ostensible leader of the free world. The man is an abomination, an insult to his office, a stain on our nation who has set the bar so high, or low, for flagrant jackassery and unforgivable douchebaggery that it takes something truly dastardly and repellent to break through his administration’s hissing white noise of everyday evil and unapologetic bigotry and really make an impression. 

Trump is perpetually outdoing himself when it comes to silent movie/comic book-level villainy but when he recently used his ongoing feud with Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar and Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib to say that American Jewish people who vote for Democrats show “either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty” it pissed me off in a way Trump’s malevolent antics usually do not. 

Then he approvingly tweeted someone referring to him as the “King of Israel” and “the second coming of God” and “the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world” and, honestly, but by that point, it had gotten so fucking ridiculous and over the top that I just had to laugh, that bleak, bitter laugh that comes with so many developments in the Kafkaesque nightmare that is American life under Trump. 

By this point Trump could say that he was a better savior, person AND God than Jesus, who was a poor slob who looked like he shopped at Goodwill and belonged to Antifa and the Christian establishment would happily re-write scripture to reveal the incontestable new biblical truth that, actually, Trump is a way bigger, better savior than Jesus, who was a total loser who hung out with loose women and creepy dudes and had almost no money. 


Trump’s moronic comments about the ignorance/disloyalty of American Jews who vote Democratic hit close to home because I am a Jew. It’s central to who I am and how I see the world. We Jews know who we are. We know who our friends are. We know who our enemies are. We will not be gas-lit. We will not fall for the same shabby, intellectually bankrupt approach of trying to convince historically left-leaning groups that the primary threat to homosexuals, Jews, women and the trans community are power-mad radical Muslims who would throw all of the demographics that vote Democratic off the top of tall buildings, set them on fire or make them go boom with dynamite but that he, and only he, can protect Christendom and the Jewish world from the terrible plague of Islam extremists.

Trump is shamelessly portraying himself as a social media age Moses handing down God’s word in the form of more commandments, only this time there’s only one: Thou Shalt Vote For Trump Because The Brown Muslim Ladies Want To Murder You and Your Babies and Set Israel on Fire Because of Islam.

Trump is so stupid that he honestly expects Jewish people to look at that, and think, “Huh, checks out. Looks like I’ll be voting Republican from now on. I don’t want someone who thinks I’m stupid or a traitor for my political beliefs to not respect me going forward!” 


Donald Trump not only does not have the moral authority to tell the Jewish people who their friends are, who their enemies are and how they should behave and vote; he has no moral authority at all. The office of the Presidency should bring with it tremendous philosophical and intellectual weight; not anymore. Trump pissed that away. He destroyed the dignity and integrity of the office. 

Now when the President of the United States says or does something it is understood by all reasonable people as the ill-informed rantings of a narcissism-poisoned fool, a grotesque baby-grandpa who has somehow stumbled into the highest office in the land despite a near-total disconnect with reality and an astonishing lack of experience and qualifications for this most important of jobs. 

Donald Trump is not a friend of the Jewish people. He is not an ally of the Jewish people. He needs to get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. 


Who the fuck appointed Donald Trump the Anti-Semitism Police? Couldn’t they have chosen someone whose ideology and rhetoric is not single-handedly responsible for a huge spike in hate crimes against Jews? Maybe someone who is less of a Nazi, less of a racist, less of a hate-monger? 

Are the Democrats perfect? Oh God no. Are they terrible in many ways? Yes. They are definitely terrible in many ways but there’s no competition between them and the Republicans. The Democrats are corporate and compromised. The Republicans are steering us madly into full-on Fascism. They’re very different. 


So as a Jew and a human being, I say fuck you Donald Trump, you pathetic schmuck, you false prophet, you hopeless disaster as a human being, and everything you stand for. 

We Jews know about scapegoating. We know about hatred. We know about being lied to by demagogues and crackpot dictators. We will not be deceived. We will not be distracted. And we sure as shit will not be voting Republican any more than we regrettably already are.

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