If You Love Donald Trump and Hate Me Then I Don't Want Your Support!
Sorry, lady. I don’t care how much you love my writing about film; if you support Trump’s racist policies, I don’t want you buying dozens of copies of my books and pumping thousands of dollars into my Patreon every month.
I’m not one for false modesty so I will admit up front that I am about to do something very brave and very bold and also heroic. I am going to criticize the president of the United States as being a person of low moral character, a real crumb-bum, as it were.
Now I know your jaw is probably on the floor right now. How can I criticize the duly elected leader of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief and leader of our armed forces in such harsh language? How can I use the ugliest slur imaginable—crumb-bum—to describe someone revered by so many hard-working Americans? Trump hasn’t even served a full term yet: shouldn’t I give him more of a chance?
At the risk of losing many, if not most of my readers and patrons and The Weird Accordion to Al book purchasers, I am going to state unequivocally right now if you worship Donald Trump as your lord and Savior and curse my name every day of your life then I do not want your support or friendship or patronage.
Sorry, Nick, but the Happy Place should prove an Unhappy place for you and your fellow Trump supporters.
I know what you’re probably saying right now: Nathan, you make your living via crowd-funding and the generosity of the general public. Can you really go around alienating half, if not more of your audience for your principled stand that President Trump is kind of a goof, and maybe not the best choice for President? Aren’t such moves suicidal from an economic standpoint? Don’t you risk losing your livelihood for saying what we’re all thinking, but don’t have the bravery or courage to say, namely, that Trump is a real dumb-dumb with a head full of tapioca pudding and his policies are junky and bad and his cabinet is full of dopes and crooks, schmendricks and nincompoops?
I suppose all of that is true but I’m willing to sacrifice all for the sake of my beliefs, not unlike gentiles who would save Jews from the Nazis by hiding them in their cellars during the Holocaust. I like to think that if I had lived during World War II I would have done that or at the very least written a VERY sternly worded Facebook post, or series of social media posts (had Facebook existed then), letting my so-called “friends” know that if they support Hitler, the Nazis and the final Solution then they could officially un-friend and un-follow me because I am DEFINITELY down with any of that shit.
Could the Nazis have survived such withering disdain on social media? Probably not, and if the 2016 elections taught us anything, it’s that Trump supporters are reasonable people who can easily and usefully be shamed into not supporting Trump through nuanced, carefully crafted, substantive arguments and/or high-minded rejection and judgment from online acquaintances.
Now you might think that I am actually risking nothing with this stance, since I have written so exhaustively of my soul-deep contempt for Trump and everything he stands for, for an audience that overwhelmingly shares my views and visceral hatred for the president that someone with a shrine in their home to Eric Trump and a vanity license plate reading Ivanka2024 would never even think of supporting me or my weird, ramshackle little Leftist small business in the first place.
Well, you’re wrong. I’m a hero for rejecting the support of Trump supporters so explicitly. My page-views are probably going to nose-dive, since most people come to my site after first checking out Breitbart and Fox News online and my already modest Patreon will plummet but I’m willing to take that chance to stand before the world and say that I think Donald Trump is a bad dude who should be stopped and I will DEFINITELY not be voting for him in the upcoming election.
Will I ultimately prove to be on the right side of history in being anti-Trump? I’d like to think so but you might want to reward me now for my heroic rejection of the people in the world most inclined to reject me first by tossing a few dimes into my various projects all the same.
Help ensure a future for the Happy Place by pledging at https://www.patreon.com/nathanrabinshappyplace/merch and get awesome tee-shirts, mugs, stickers and posters sent to you from Patreon
OR you can buy my amazing new book, The Weird Accordion to Al, in paperback since yesterday, at https://www.amazon.com/Weird-Accordion-Al-Obsessively-Co-Author/dp/1658788478/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=the+weird+accordion+to+al&qid=1579555759&sr=8-3