How Can a Race Between a Groundbreaking, Inspirational Woman Who Has Done Everything Right and an Inhuman Ghoul Who Has Done Everything Wrong Be So Close? Why Isn't It a Democratic Blowout?

Like many on the left, I was despondent after Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump. I felt hopeless. Biden may have been a solid president, but he was a dreadful campaigner who had clearly lost a step, or two, or three, or four, or even five, over his eight decades on this miserable planet. 

Biden was so foggy and out of it that he made Donald Trump, a seventy-eight-year-old man who eats only fast food and thinks exercise is unhealthy and has MAJOR senility issues of his own, look like a vigorous, sharp young man by comparison. 

If it wasn’t all over by the end of the debate, then surely Trump clinched a sacred landslide victory over Sleepy Joe when he was shot and raised a triumphant fist in defiance. 

This was destined to be the defining iconography of the Trump era, narrowly beating out a mug shot that MAGA die-hards adore because it proves that he’s a badass being unfairly targeted by the deep state. Law and Order types couldn’t be more excited about a thirty-four-time felon having unlimited power, including the ability to weaponize the justice department to go after his enemies, something he has repeatedly accused the Democrats of doing without cause. 

Then something wonderful happened. Sleepy Joe put the country above his ego and dropped out of a race he delusionally still thought he could win. 

This shift changed everything. I suddenly didn’t feel so hopeless anymore. I started to experience this rare, wonderful thing called hope. 

Harris has run a terrific campaign. Where Sleepy Joe lost badly to the disgraced, twice-impeached thirty-four-time felon in their only debate, Harris whupped Trump’s behind like he was a red-headed stepchild or misbehaving mule. 

She knew exactly how to handle Trump. She treated him like the silly, deluded child he was, is, and always will be rather than the powerful, charismatic leader of a dangerous movement. 

Harris made Trump look like a fool. That shouldn’t be difficult, considering what a worthless sack of shit he is, but it takes some doing. 

Since then, Harris has seemingly done everything right, and Trump has done everything wrong. He’s never been the sharpest tool in the shed but he has completely lost whatever grasp on reality he might have once possessed. 

He is utterly deluded. Trump’s racism isn’t limited to dog whistles. Motherfucker might as well be wearing a Klan robe at his rallies. If the GOP was capable of shame, it would be horrified that Trump and J.D. Vance are both aggressively promoting the racist fiction that Haitian immigrants in small-town Ohio are stealing dogs and cats from patriotic white Americans and then cooking and eating them. 

It did not matter that the xenophobic hoax has been widely and conclusively disproven; all that mattered was this ugly lie supported Trump’s conviction that non-Americans who commit the unspeakable crime of wanting to live in America are sub-human monsters who will rape, murder, and kill you and your pets. 

A GOP with any self-respect would roundly condemn Trump and Vance’s words and actions. The GOP lost any self-respect when it became the Cult of Trump. 

Most recently, Trump told a crowd that migrants are driven to murder innocent, patriotic, hardworking white Americans because they have “bad genes” that cause them to commit crimes. 

That is flat-out eugenics. It’s some Nazi, Ku Klux Klan-type shit. 

Like Trump, Vance has done everything wrong, with the exception of putting in a solid performance at the VP debate. 

Trump is losing it. If he’s barely keeping it together now, I can only imagine what a sad state Trump would be in after two or three years of one of the hardest and most exhausting jobs in the world. 

This should be a blowout. Harris should be leading everywhere. It shouldn’t be close. A nation that barely survived Trump’s first term should roundly reject Trump and everything he represents. 

That’s not the case. For reasons I cannot begin to fathom, beyond our country being very sexist and racist and in thrall to rich, toxic white men, the race is neck and neck. Trump and Harris are more or less tied at the polls. 

How is that possible? Why isn’t Harris destroying him? Why isn’t she coasting to an easy, inspirational victory over one of the most repellent figures in the history of American politics? 

Being horrified by the prospect of a second Trump term doesn’t mean you’re suffering from the dreaded Trump Derangement Syndrome; it means you’re in touch with the reality that Trump is a monster who has single-handedly made a country he professes to love, despite ample evidence to the contrary, much worse. 

I’m horrified of waking up to a Trump victory in November. That would be soul-crushing and disastrous for me and the nation as a whole. 

I REALLY do not want to go back. I don’t want to further empower the worst people in the world. 

I may very well fall off the wagon on election night. God knows I consumed a lot of alcohol on November 3rd, 2016. Hopefully, we’ll have a lot to celebrate in November because I honestly don’t know how much more of Trump I can take. That’s true of the country as well. We need to be rid of this fool. Hopefully, we can give him the humiliating defeat he so richly deserves. 

Nathan needed expensive, life-saving dental implants, and his dental plan doesn’t cover them, so he started a GoFundMe at Give if you can!

Did you know that I have a Substack called Nathan Rabin’s Bad Ideas, where I write up new movies my readers choose and do deep dives into lowbrow franchises? It’s true! You should check it out here. 

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