The fascinatingly, poignantly terrible anti-feminist Marabel Morgan wrote the best-selling non-fiction book of 1974 in The Total Woman (with some ten million copies in print) and appeared on the cover of both Time and Mrs. Why has she been forgotten and why do her ideas suddenly feel so horrifyingly contemporary?
Read MoreIn this re-run of a classic from The Joy of Trash, I write about Joan Crawford’s cult 1971 guide to the fabulous life, which is everything you’d want it to be and so much more.
Read MoreThe fascinatingly, poignantly terrible anti-feminist Marabel Morgan wrote the best-selling non-fiction book of 1974 in The Total Woman (with some ten million copies in print) and appeared on the cover of both Time and Mrs. Why has she been forgotten and why do her ideas suddenly feel so horrifyingly contemporary?
Read MoreThe truth about Captain Marvel and its hated of men is bleak beyond even your most paranoid fantasies
Read MoreA salute to the heroic sass of comic strip heroine and long-suffering housewife Loretta Lockhorn.
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