Articles & features
The ongoing mistake that is Corey Feldman month continues with his directorial debut, a dreadful, cut-rate Naked Gun knockoff, but with tons of boobs! Who thought this was a good idea?
Because not every blog post can be about Trump or Musk. Sometimes I write about things that AREN’T terrible.
John Travolta has big fun with a very big performance as a colorful lawman/law-breaker in the appealingly vulgar exploitation movie To Paris With Love.
In our world, Elon Musk is a selfish asshole ruining the government out of greed and arrogance, but a perplexingly ubiquitous AI version of Elon Musk behaves with Christ-like selfishness.
The only blog on the internet!
Because not every blog post can be about Trump or Musk. Sometimes I write about things that AREN’T terrible.
In our world, Elon Musk is a selfish asshole ruining the government out of greed and arrogance, but a perplexingly ubiquitous AI version of Elon Musk behaves with Christ-like selfishness.
Politically and culturally, we’re in a shitty 1980s teen sex comedy where the bullies think of themselves as the irreverent, propriety-puncturing heroes.
Diversity used to be seen as good. Why is it now considered the greatest evil? Other than Woke?
The 51st state shit was never funny but now it’s looking increasingly psychotic.
I am very bad with money, and in way too much debt, but I have a strategy to make things better.
I understand why Rosie O’Donnell moved to Ireland to avoid Trump but I wish she didn’t give the MAGA mob the satisfaction of successfully chasing her out of the country.
Sometimes you learn something about someone that makes you think of less of them, like learning that they’re a Megyn Kelly super-fan.
For self-professed patriots, the MAGA mob sure seems to hate most things about our country.
Hilarious Cyber-Satire That’s Easy to Misunderstand
Whether you’re a small child or a punk hitting your bottom on heroin and cocaine in the late 1970s, Yo Gabba Gabba! is full of life lessons.
We hope you're hungry for some meaty arguments!
A totally non-clickbait article on why everything you love and revere sucks shit.
We never should have even thought about writing this article.
Not all celebrities remain rich and famous forever. Here are five who went from wealth and fame to being homeless street trash.
We were going to share some neat trivia about actress Mena Suvari but since you don’t even know who she is we’re not even going to bother.
You’ve seen all the memes! Now see them all again, this time with punishingly literal commentary!
The LEGENDARY column about failure at its most epic!
John Travolta has big fun with a very big performance as a colorful lawman/law-breaker in the appealingly vulgar exploitation movie To Paris With Love.
Charles Schulz spent four years making It’s the Girl in the Red Truck, Charlie Brown, a live-action/animation hybrid starring his own daughter Jill and Snoopy’s unpopular brother Spike. It did not go well.
I finally got around to seeing 2019’s Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker and it’s so bad that it’s making me re-think my decision to devote my life to Star Wars fandom.
Mismatched Buddy Cop Movie Month begins with the 1990 dud Loose Cannons, a mental illness-themed action comedy about a traumatized cop with an outrageous case of Dissociative identity disorder
I watched the three hour long Kanye Infowars interview so that you don’t have to.
John Travolta and Nicolas Cage Face/Off in The Ultimate Acting Battle!
John Travolta has big fun with a very big performance as a colorful lawman/law-breaker in the appealingly vulgar exploitation movie To Paris With Love.
Hey, you know what movie is great? Get Shorty. That movie is SO good.
Shortly before the release of Battflefield Earth John Travolta contributed a voice to 1999’s Our Friend, Martin, an insane special with the balls to ask, “Why don’t 12 year olds from the present travel back in time to save Martin Luther King’s life?”
Nicolas Cage has got Laura Dern hotter than Georgia asphalt in David Lynch’s gleefully bonkers Southern-fried, Palme D’Or-winning Neo-Noir.
Our deep dive into the complete discography of Nicolas Cage continues with a look back at the muddled 1993 inter-racial buddy comedy Amos & Andrew, a maddening heap of missed opportunities and muddled satire.
A perfectly cast Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery are a mismatched buddy team for the ages in Michael Bay’s uncharacteristically enjoyable 1996 action adventure The Rock.
John Travolta continues to scrape the bottom with the deathly dull 2019 racing Trading Paint.
With Shania Twain for some reason?
Where YOU pay ME to SEE movies!
Chameleonic life forms? No thanks!
One of you glorious sadists paid me a hundred dollars to watch a Cosmopolitan-themed Hillary Duff vehicle from 2010 whose hilariously regressive gender politics belong somewhere in the pre-Cosmopolitan 1950s.
One of you wonderful weirdoes paid me to see Champagne and Bullets, an amazing piece of outsider art that suggests Tommy Wiseau remaking Cobra with plenty of Manos: The Hands of God and Miami Connection thrown in for good measure.
My journey through Vinyl, Mick Jagger and Martin Scorsese’s ill-fated rock and roll drama continues with a look at its fourth episode, “The Racket.”
You know what’s aged in a really interesting, prescient way? The David Lynch meets Phillip K. Dick 1993 prestige miniseries Wild Palms.
For my Shudder pick of the month, I wrote up the 2019 horror comedy Villains, starring Bill Skarsgård, Maika Monroe, Kyra Sedgwick and Jeffrey Donovan
I finally got around to seeing the 2023 Oscar winner for Best Picture. It’s fucking nuts! I mean that in a nice way.
Cinema at its shittiest!
The ongoing mistake that is Corey Feldman month continues with his directorial debut, a dreadful, cut-rate Naked Gun knockoff, but with tons of boobs! Who thought this was a good idea?
With MoMo mania sweeping the nation, it seems like the perfect time to revisit 1985’s Deception of a Generation, an unintentionally hilarious expose about how He-Man, Scooby-Doo, the Care Bears, E.T and Yoda are all trying to turn your children into sassy little Satanists.
The famously terrible 2001 Danny DeVito/Martin Lawrence stinkeroo What’s the Worst That Could Happen is indeed terrible and a real stinkeroo.
For the purpose of a very strange cyber-safety initiative noted bully Garfield became an anti-bullying advocate and Nermal became a fat-shaming asshole as oblivious as he is creepy.
As part of my ongoing, obsessive coverage of Loqueesha filmmaker Jeremy Saville’s life and work, I unearth some of his early Youtube work, including such tellingly titled clips as “The Girlfriend Trainer” and “GayDate.” In a shocking, unexpected turn of events, they’re quite poor and also pretty offensive!
If you thought Vince Offer’s 2013 sketch comedy abomination inAPPropriate Comedy was an abomination, you’re right, but its Vince Offer-heavy prequel, 1999’s The Underground Comedy Movie, is somehow even worse! It’s an Offer you can, and most assuredly should, refuse.
It's a second rate The Godfather parody with Rodney as the Rodfather! Plus, it's a Kevin McDonald vehicle. What's not to love? (a lot, actually)
Let’s Get Weird!
Al gets meta and deconstructionist on this epic, almost eleven minute long parody of R. Kelly’s “Trapped in the Closet”
It took me a solid week of furious effort and three viewings of Weird: The Al Yankovic Story, but I have written what I think is the definitive 5000 word manifesto about the Citizen Kane of “Weird Al” Yankovic-themed parody biopics.
“Weird Al” Yankovic stars in another movie debuting on streaming this month and it is VERY weird but in a decidedly different way than Weird: The Al Yankovic Story.
With Al’s second film as a screenwriter on the way I figured it was the ideal time to rerun my 5000 word appreciation of UHF.
The hardcover, full-color version of The Weird A-Coloring to Al is out and, at the risk of being immodest, is literally the greatest book ever written.
You don’t have to be the world’s most prolific author of books about “Weird Al” Yankovic to be excited about his forthcoming "Weird Al" brings The Unfortunate Return of the Ridiculously Self-Indulgent, Ill-Advised Vanity Tour but it certainly doesn’t hurt!
There is a lost generation of kids without a new “Weird Al” Yankovic album to call their own. Are they beyond help?
Here’s a hint: it has NOTHING to do with not being good enough and everything to do with the Rock Hall taking itself way too seriously.
The Very Finest in Flaming Literary Garbage!
Page 3 girl turned pop star/sex goddess Samantha Fox's memoir Forever is a reasonably nasty, moderately engaging time waster about an ordinary cockney lass miscast in the role of a naughty girl in need of love and her naughtier father/manager.
In honor of the boy band-centric Turning Red , I am re-running a piece (compiled in The Joy of Trash) about disgrace boy band Svengali Lou Pearlman’s deranged and deluded memoir.
Is rock music a tool of the devil that will make your child commit suicide? According to the anti-rock Christian manifesto Why Knock Rock? the answer is hell motherfucking yes!
A laughless stroll through the first year and a half of Garfield (the disco era!) reveals that the insanely successful comic strip about the titular lasagna-loving, Monday-hating misanthrope has always been terrible.

Podcast w/ Clint Worthington

The answer is Manic Pixie Dream Girl, Mr. Trebek!
The ongoing mistake that is Corey Feldman month continues with his directorial debut, a dreadful, cut-rate Naked Gun knockoff, but with tons of boobs! Who thought this was a good idea?